Throughout the years, smoking the cigar has become a symbol of celebration. It is a tradition to hand out cigars after the birth of a child; at weddings; during the holidays and after that big promotion. Cigars and winning seem to go hand-in-hand and a victory cigar is often lit after a winning sporting event.
So when did this tradition begin? No one knows for sure, but it may have begun with the Mayan’s puffing on tobacco leaves in the 10th century or when Christopher Columbus discovered the tobacco plant when landing in 1492. Smoking tobacco wrapped in husks of corn or palm was a Native American tradition during their religious ceremonies, after a win on the battlefield or other happy occasions. This form of sharing to celebrate is often said to be the precursor of handing out cigars on special occasions.
The term “cigar” originated from the Mayan term for smoking “sikar” which led to the Spanish term “cigarro” which was eventually shortened to just “cigar”. After becoming popular in Europe and the Americas, they soon became a sought after “luxury item” and were saved for “special occasions”. In some traditions, special cigars are purchased and saved to smoke only when you reach your goal. This makes them all the more enjoyable.
But most people smoke a cigar just to relax. There is need for a special occasion. Just light up and enjoy.